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Delta Forensics, LLC
Mtra. Jassivy Reitnauer M.Psy.
Andrew R. Reitnauer MSFE, CSCSA, CPO
The Latent Print Examiner Training Experience is offered at the rate of $5000 per person, with custom payment plans available!Payment in full can be submitted through PayPal, or contact Andrew for alternate payment method information.
Delta Forensics
Comprehensive Latent Print Examiner
Training Program
This program is designed to instruct the examiner with the knowledge, skills, and ability to conduct independent latent print examination casework. The program is to be completed at the pace of the participant. It is expected that the program may take 6-12 months to complete, but may be shorter or longer, based upon the abilities of the participant. This modular program is divided into 10 parts, increasing in complexity. Modules include: Biology, History, Pattern Types, Latent Print Processing, Photography, Digital Imaging, Comparison Methods, Legal Issues, Admissibility, and more.
The program required the participant to successfully complete: Required Readings, Written Exercises, Practical Components, Comparison Exercises, Competency Tests and Moot Court exercises.
The program has also been approved by the IAI CLPE Board for 25 hours of continuing education training towards certification!
Delta Forensics
Latent Print Examiner
Training Experience
This program is designed to instruct the examiner with the knowledge, skills, and ability to conduct independent latent print examination casework. This innovative program is designed to train the participant to casework competency, and fulfill ALL of the training requirements for Initial IAI CLPE Certification through the embedded training courses. The program is to be completed at the pace of the participant. It is expected that the program may take 9-12 months to complete, but may be shorter or longer, based upon the abilities of the participant. This modular program is divided into 18 modules, increasing in complexity. The included Delta Forensics Classes in the program include:
The program required the participant to successfully complete: Required Readings, Written Exercises, Practical Components, Comparison Exercises, Competency Tests and Moot Court exercises.
The Comprehensive Latent Print Examiner Training Program is offered at the rate of $2000 per person, with custom payment plans available!Payment in full can be submitted through PayPal, or contact Andrew for alternate payment method information.